Day 11: I Keep Taking Everything For A Sign
Dec 11, 2004 · 1 minute read
Belle & Sebastian — I'm A Cuckoo (The Avalanches Remix)
Now, I liked the original version of this, with its Thin Lizzy leanings (or outright theft, if you're going to be less charitable). But this remix by The Avalanches (when, oh when are we going to get a new album?) turns it into something very different; the guitars are jettisoned, instead an African band and choir provide the backing. And it's fabulous; the percussion provides an odd beat, while the backing vocals complement the song well, despite being as removed from a traditional B&S record as Norwegian Death Metal. Not much more to say, really, only that it's a song that you'd never expect them to release, but I'm glad they did…
currently playing: Johnny Boy — Crews Against Consumismo (Extended Mix)